Flat Practice Recorder
Submitted by Tracy Gittins, Bechtel ES, Okinawa, Japan
Idea posted 2003-12-10
To encourage covering the holes completely, make a flat practice recorder from an old broken vinyl looseleaf. I cut out a 4" x 12" piece of vinyl and punch out the top five holes. The bottom two double holes I punched with the sharp point of a compass. Those first three notes are the important ones.
Kids place their fingers on the flat practice recorder (of course nicknamed Stanley), turn it over, and see whether or not they're fully covering the holes. They marvel that a tiny little bit of their finger really comes THROUGH the hole. Great visual.
If you're really ambitious, get a friend with a band saw to slice an old recorder in half, starting at the bell.
Thanks for a great program Barb. It's creating musicians.