Recorder and Chorus Expectations Parent Letters (English and Spanish)
Submitted by Sue Michiels, Los Angeles, California
Idea posted 2003-06-13
I have had several requests for parent letters regarding recorders and Chorus expectations in both English and Spanish. There is an especially big need for this kind of communication for parents of students in Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Florida. Below are the letters for your use.
Recorder Letter - Microsoft Word (.doc) Editable but may need revisions.
Recorder Letter - PDF Read-only.
Chorus Letter - Microsoft Word (.doc) Editable but may need revisions.
Chorus Letter - PDF Read-only.
Recorder Letter - Microsoft Word (.doc) Editable but may need revisions.
Recorder Letter - PDF Read-only.
Chorus Letter - Microsoft Word (.doc) Editable but may need revisions.
Chorus Letter - PDF Read-only