Recorder Karate Idea Bank

Hula Hoop Recorder Warm-Ups

Submitted by Kim Good, South Carolina

Idea posted 2009-10-28

This week, I tried a new recorder warm-up that my classes really enjoyed. I put hula hoops around the room, one for each note that we had learned so far. In the center of each hoop, I placed a flash card with a fingering chart for the note, as well as what the note looks like on the staff. I placed another flash card with a rhythm pattern on the white board at the front of the room. We clapped and spoke the pattern as a whole group. Next, I used magnetic letters (BAGED) and placed them in random order on the board. Each group then played the rhythm pattern on "their note" when it was their turn. We then rotated to new hoop and started all over again.

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