Recorder Karate Idea Bank

Rockin' Recorders In The U.S.A. Black Belts

Submitted by Lynn Egerton, Greensboro, North Carolina

Idea posted 2007-03-15

We were doing a patriotic unit when the first students of the year earned their black belts and asked, "What's next?" So I got out Rockin' Recorders In The U.S.A. and decided to offer them chances to earn 2nd, 3rd, and 4th degree black belt status. They loved it. Rather than just tying on another black belt, I got some black plastic beads from the craft store (about the size that people put in their hair). Each time students learn another degree, they get to add another bead to tie onto their black belt. (I cut the black belt string longer than normal to accommodate the beads.) It looks great, and the degrees can go on as long as you wish, and get as difficult as you wish. ("Eine Kleine Recorder Musik" from Music K-8, Vol. 6, No. 2 is a challenging one, too.)

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