Recorder Karate Idea Bank

Hunting Easter Eggs to Introduce A-flat On Recorder

Submitted by Meredith Harley Inserra, New Bern, North Carolina

Idea posted 2006-04-17

I had a revelation with my semi-advanced Recorder Karate kids. The song "Hunting Easter Eggs" from Music K-8, Vol. 16, No. 4 has a repeated pattern:

"East - er Eggs"
A-flat F F

I decided to introduce A-flat on the recorder using the song. It was fun! A-flat isn't that hard on recorder. (A couple of my Recorder Karate kids already know it anyway.) Switching from A-flat to F was a challenge, so it was great practice to repeat that pattern, over and over, during the song. FUN, TOO! They love that song, and now they all know A-flat REALLY WELL!

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