Recorder Karate Idea Bank

Recorder Reminder

Submitted by Rhonda Schilling, Madison, Wisconsin

Idea posted 2005-03-24

Blank forms are available in .doc format for customization or in .pdf format as a fill-in-the-blank form. The text reads as follows:


______[NAME OF CHILD]______ forgot their recorder for music class on ____[DATE]____. As a result, your child was unable to learn and progress during class today.

What we practiced/learned __________________________________________

I would like you, as parent or guardian of this child, to discuss this, have your child practice what they missed, and make sure that your child brings their recorder to school every day. I have asked them to keep it in their backpack at all times (unless they are practicing). Please sign below (and have your child sign as well) that you have discussed this and that your child has practiced to make up for what they missed in class. Please return this form to Mr./Mrs.______[TEACHER'S NAME]__________ by the next school day.

________________________    _____________________

parent or guardian's signature            child's signature

If you would like to meet or discuss this further, please contact me at __[PHONE NUMBER]__.Mr./Mrs. _____[TEACHER'S NAME]_____, Music Teacher at _[NAME OF SCHOOL]_ Elementary

Recorder Reminder - Microsoft Word (.doc) Editable
Recorder Reminder - PDF format.

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